Greywater Garden Videos
Our GreyFlow PS System installed by ZenPlumb is showcased in this enchanted sustainable cottage garden
in the Dandenong Ranges.
Our greywater system won the 2018 WA Innovating for Sustainable Water and Environmental Outcomes Award.
This greywater system back-flushes with air, similar to how spa and pool filters are cleaned, and sends
any material to the sewer. Sam Milani spoke about the realities of maintaining greywater systems,
whether installed within individual residential lots, mining camps or other facilities.
Chris Ferreira from The Forever Project has our GreyFlow PS - AG (above ground)greywater system
in his garden. Listen to him on the Garden Gurus.
This Tiny House in the Yarra Valley has the GreyFlow Pro installed by ZenPlumb and is feeding a reed bed system.